Biomarker Test Results
For recommended baseline lab testing go to:
For Epigenome test go to: www.elysiumhealth.com/index
For Telomere test go to: www.shop.spectracell.com/telomere
For C-RP inflammation test: consult your local physician.
For Glycan Age go to: https://glycanage.com/price-and-plans

Telomere Biomarker Breakthrough
Received on October 30, 2024 the telomere tests of CEO Steven M. Schorr and COO Hamiel O. Schorr demonstrate substantial increases in telomere length of 27% for H.O. Schorr at 12,550bp and 15% for S.M. Schorr at 12,240bp. This is very significant as we are born with 10,000bp (or 10kbp) and typically have 5,500 at age 80. This is called hyper long telomeres and confers good longevity.

Test Results:
Glycan Test results by GlycanAge for Mr. Steven M Schorr on June 2024 shows reduction of the biomarker of aging by 30 years from 70 to 40.

Epigenome Biomarker Test Results:
ElysiumHeatth, Index test results for Steven M Schorr on 05/20/2024 indicates a deceleration of the aging process and by 14 years.

Biomarker Test Results:
Epigenome test by Elysiumhealth.com/index test for Mr. Steven M Schorr on January 2023 shows reduction of the biomarker of aging by 15.5 years from 69.5 to 54.

Telomere Test from Spectracell Laboratories on 2.2.23 for S.M.Schorr. Shows telomere length increase from 9.01 bp to 10.38 bp equivalent to a 2 year old.

C-Reactive Protein Inflammation test from Diagnostic Laboratory Services for S.M.Schorr shows a C-RP of 0.5, considered optimum.

Biomarker Test Results: Epigenome by Elysiumhealth.com
Second epigenome test for Dr. Roy Genatt, D.C. on October 2022 shows reduction of the biomarker of aging by 12 years from 73 to 61.

Biomarker Test Results: Telomeres
Test results for Longevinaut #2 - a 75-year-old man, for Telomere measurements from SpectraCell Laboratories indicate a Telomere length of 9,300 base pairs. He is in the 98th percentile of his age bracket, with a Telomere length equivalent to a 10-20 years old person.

Biomarker Test Results:
Epigenetic test
A 58 year old woman , Kimberely, F. Reported that after 6 months on the Extended Longevity Protocol and with a baseline test indicating aging at 60 years, she has decelerated her age by more than12 years, according to the Epigenome cytosine methylation test conducted by TruDiagnostic.

First Epigenome Test.

Second Epigenome test after 6 months
These references are provided for scientific and educational purposes only. References do not reflect the intended use of Index or any other products or services. Index is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health-related condition.
1. Venter, Craig J. et al. “The Sequence of the Human Genome.” Science, vol. 291, issue 5507 (2001): 1304-1351
2. Lister, Ryan, Pelizzola, Mattia, Ecker, Joseph R. et al. “Human DNA Methylomes at Base Resolution Show Widespread Epigenomic Differences.” Nature, vol. 462 (2009) 315-322
3. Horvath, Steve. “DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types.” Genome Biology, vol. 14, article number: 3156 (2013)
4. Levine, Morgan E., et al. “An Epigenetic Biomarker of Aging for Lifespan and Healthspan.” Aging, vol. 10, issue 4 (2018): pp 573—591
5. Weinhold, Bob. “Epigenetics: The Science of Change.” vol. 114, no. 3 (2006) 6. Adams, Peter D. “DNA Methylation Clocks in Aging: Categories, Causes, and Consequences.” Molecular Cell, vol. 71, issue 6 (2018): 882-895
Biomarker Test Results: Telomeres
New test results for Mr. Schorr were received on May 3, 2021 for Telomere measurements from Spectra Cell Laboratories, and indicated a Telomere length of 9,010 base pairs. He is in the 96th percentile of his age bracket, with a Telomere length equivalent to a 10-20 years old person.

The telomere test, tested by Teloyears.com, measures your ATL, or average telomere length. I took three (3) tests, one in April 2017, April 2018 and the last test in November 2019. Although Mr. Schorr's Telomeres were already that of a 17-year-old, this last test shows a significant increase in his telomere length. The chart below indicates the telomere length and the age consistent with that length, in fact, his ATL is off the chart. If one were to extrapolate the age of someone with an ATL of 1.4 The Phytotherapeutic Extract that addresses Telomere attrition and Telomere rejuvenation, is Telogenic™.
Biomarker Test Results: Inflammation
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a type of protein secreted from the liver that increases in response to inflammation. It is particularly sensitive to inflammation in the walls of coronary arteries. CRP is present in the acute phase of infection or inflammation, as well as during chronic inflammation.CRP Quantitative is a marker in the blood that rises rapidly in response to injury and inflammation. High levels help detect hidden infections and useful for monitoring response to anti-inflammatory therapy.
The charts below indicate that the <0.60 test result was in the optimal range. The mean CRP for men 65-69 was 2.2 to 2.8, indicating a moderate risk for inflammation-related ailments. The second table also suggests that 27.7% of men in the 60-69 age group had above 3.0, a high-risk range. The Phytotherapeutic Extract that addresses Inflammation and Inflammaging, is Inflasolve™.
CRP Test 1.2020

Latest C-Reactive Protein Test for Steven Schorr Feb. 4, 2021