Telomere Tests
Telomeres act as protective caps on our chromosomes, naturally shortening as we age. The length of your telomeres can provide valuable insights into your cellular health and overall vitality. The test offers a scientific approach to understanding how factors like diet, exercise, and stress affect your biological aging. This knowledge helps make informed decisions about health and lifestyle.

Telomere Science
Telomeres, which are protective caps on the ends of chromosomes, typically shorten as cells divide, making telomere length a widely used marker of biological aging. Longer telomeres are generally associated with a younger biological age because they indicate a greater remaining capacity for cell division and tissue regeneration.

The Telomere Tests
These are Telomere tests from SpectraCell Labs, and indicate telomere regrowth of up to 12,550bp. The test from Steven M Schorr, CEO demonstrated an increase from 10,380 bp to 12,240 bp in 18 months